The 8.03/04 suits rank higher than the virtually identical 8.05 because the gold just looks too gaudy and daft to me. My choices pretty much indicate how I like Batman to look: traditional, lots of clean lines, without too many bells and whistles on the suit.
Amazing: Batman vs Superman, The Dark Knight Returns, 1970s Batman, Batman 1989, Batsuit 8.03/04 Great: The Dark Knight, Batman Inc., Arkham Origins, Batman Noel, Batsuit 8.05 Good: Batman Beyond, Flashpoint, Batsuit 7.43, Arkham Asylum Crap: Zur-en-Arrh, Anime Batman, First Appearance, New 52, Iconic Black and GreyĬan't grade Earth-2, Justice League 3000 or Adam West because Rocksteady saw fit to dick Xbox users out of those suits after Sony threw fat stacks of cash at them (yes, I'm still steamed about that).